Are you ready for embedded and contextual analytics?
If you are considering embedded or white-labelled analytics solutions, this post will help to explain why it’s paramount for you to first understand the analytic

Holistic reporting made possible with data blending
In today’s digital age, organisations rely on the ability to understand their growth opportunities and market forces at a glance. They need quick access to

Let Natural Language Query be your guide
Natural Language Query (NLQ) allows a user to enter search terms or phrases as if they are speaking them naturally. This includes statements, questions or

Once upon a time series (data storytelling)
Download free eBook Storytelling is an innate human skill and yet data storytelling is still an emerging concept! By 2025, Gartner predicts data stories will

Data tells the real story
Download free eBook Analytic users want to share meaning, not just a set of numbers. For over 20 years, dashboards and data visualisation have been

BI-As-A-Service – the new technological frontier
Data, data everywhere. But what are we supposed to do with it all? ERP, project management and business platforms have got increasingly sophisticated over the