Analytics Big Data Business Intelligence Data Best Practice Data Visualisation Digital Transformation

Prepare data that’s fit for consumption

When creating a meal the Chef carefully considers the correct mix of essential ingredients. Ensuring the meal not only looks and taste great but also provides the optimum health and nutrition.

This is also true for business intelligence data preparation. Organisations need to consolidate essential information from disparate sources, in a way that provides satisfying insights without bloating their database systems.

Data comes in all shapes and sizes – images, spreadsheets and other real-time sensor systems. It therefore requires intense attention to get them to work collectively.

What is Data Preparation?

It’s the act of manipulating (pre-processing) raw data (from disparate data sources) into a form that can readily and accurately be analysed. It is the first step in any analytic project and includes many discrete tasks such as; data loading, ingestion, cleansing, fusion and augmentation.

The aim of which is to produce accurate, consistent and comprehensive data for the organisation to base business decisions on.

A logical approach to this process will likely include the following steps:
Prepare data that's fit for consumption RhinoIT

Data Strategy – identifying the scope of the project and creating a workflow of requirements. This is like the Chef obtaining the ingredients for the recipe and understanding the cooking method

Data Collection – defining required data and gathering it from the various sources. ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) plays a key role in data integration, making it possible for different data types to work together.

Data Preprocessing – formatting and cleansing raw data by adding missing values, reducing duplicates, labelling metadata with categories and sampling into smaller memory sizes. Generally reworking real world data into an understandable format.

Data Transformation – reorganising data in such a way that users can use the database properly for further queries and analysis – usually known as ‘normalising’. Breaking complex data into smaller and more manageable parts for easier examination and design.

The good news is that RhinoIT can cook your dinner for you!

Data preparation may sound time consuming, however the production of enriched, accurate data is crucial for the success of your Business Intelligence projects.

Our data team can provide your users with powerful analytics by automating this lengthy and manual process, saving the organisation time and money. 

To find out how we can transform your data into stunning visualisations, please contact

Analytics Business Intelligence Data Insights Technology

Take flight or gain ground

As an organisation that attempts to keep pace with emerging trends, your constant consideration will be how to best manage software technologies, and where to access them. Currently, you have two options:

1) Cloud/SaaS – online services hosted by third parties. There are many advantages to this model such as predictable/affordable costs, up-to-date software and freeing up in-house IT resource.

2) On Premise – onsite hardware with dedicated IT resource. You remain in complete control of data security and compliance. Deciding on how systems are configured and when upgrades/changes take place. Improved business continuity with less reliance on internet connectivity and other external factors.

Regardless of approach, you are moments away from achieving robust Business Intelligence solutions. Working alongside your reporting team, our BI experts offer simple steps to creating effective reports, views and dashboards using Rhino Data Insights.

For meaningful data insights and a full 361 business view – because we always go that little bit extra! 

Please contact:

Analytics Business Intelligence Data Insights Data Visualisation

Build meaningful data

Many construction companies in the UK are already working with us to release the full potential of their Business Intelligence software. By creating insights from multiple data sources, they now have a holistic view of organisational performance, which can be easily shared with stakeholders and senior management.


In a recent London apartment development project, we created a tailored 3D view, colour-coded, build and fix status, where data reports were delivered straight to onsite teams via their handheld device. Our analytics are already built-in (embedded) so all modules; Project, Task, Document, Asset, and Process Management can be found under one roof.

Build meaningful data RhinoIT 

RhinoIT specialise in Business Intelligence consulting, developing and embedding. Our Bespoke BI solutions ensure that all the information required is displayed on easily accessible Dashboards. The user never has to exit the application into another tool.

Would you like to find out what’s hidden in your data, and why?
please contact:

Analytics Business Intelligence Data Best Practice Data Insights Technology

With mobility less is more

When making a fast food order do we then expect to receive a 3 course gourmet meal?  Of course not, even if this may occasionally be a fleeting wish! So why do we get exasperated with the lack of detailed features on our mobile devices?

In the pursuit of instant access, product managers and developers are now required to keep remote workers quickly up to speed and agile. User experience for analytics on mobile and tablet devices is therefore a top priority. Their challenge is to somehow replicate the same relevant information that’s usually found on desktops.

Best practice for a ‘high level’ dashboard view requires a balance of context and relevance. The ability to slice and dice data, and clearly display charts on tablets is tricky, but even less amenable to mobile phones. As with all mobile apps, there is less screen ‘real estate’ available with only specific functions on offer. When users are on the move, mobile dashboards can only provide a ‘current status’ overview. Charts are minimal and the lack of ‘hover’ function allows for limited interactions.

In our recent blog post about data storytelling we explain how Yellowfin Stories instantly creates more relevant, interesting and better understood analytics. Another advantage to this tool is how it easily lends itself to mobile devices. Notice how social media apps successfully present stories in an easily digestible way, while still preserving the wider context. Yellowin Stories can mimic this with data mobility. Developers just need to consider size restrictions and be mindful of which data to display and how it can be navigated.

Better yet, why not have your BI platform automate data discovery by trawling your business data for statistically significant changes, notifying users of those relevant to their role. This type of ‘news flash’ data can be presented without the need for specific dashboard or ‘card’ design, meaning that trend changes, period comparisons, spikes, dips and more can be accessed from mobile devices.

Find out how RhinoIT can help you unlock meaningful insights from your data.

With mobility less is more RhinoIT
Yellowfin Mobile App

Next, we discuss Preparation.

In the meantime, please leave us a comment or question

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Analytics Big Data Business Intelligence Data Best Practice Data Insights Data Science Data Visualisation Digital Transformation Technology

Can’t see the view for the fields?

Can you ever imagine a time without spreadsheets? They don’t appear to be going away anytime soon, and for good reason. Most businesses hold historical data within them, and let’s face it, they are a snap to create. However, in today’s fast-paced world of data consumption via dazzling pretty pics our trusted friend ‘the spreadsheet’ may start to leave us a little flat!

“So how do we evolve past spreadsheets, leverage their content, and start to gain real insight into our data?”

At RhinoIT, we were recently asked this question by one of our customers.

Yes, spreadsheets are convenient and easy. Almost everyone has a spreadsheet system installed on their computer ready to use. Unfortunately, this blessing can also be a curse. If every member of your team has access to the same spreadsheet, it’s likely to result in more than one version of your data existing. Unless you have a ‘Mary Poppins’ stance to document housekeeping, this poses an issue with continuity.

One version may have today’s data, while another version holds all the aesthetically pleasing column and cell updates made yesterday. How do you decide which version to use? Something as simple as a misplaced decimal point, deletion of cell, column or row can have an adverse impact on the integrity of your spreadsheet. Changing a positive value to a negative value or adding a new worksheet can also wreak havoc with your best-laid plans.

“If spreadsheets are here to stay, then how do we work around these issues for the foreseeable future?”
The answer is: Integration.

In the case of our customer, we weren’t suggesting a complex solution, quite the opposite. By merely ingesting the data directly from their spreadsheets into a Business Intelligence tool they were able to satisfy their end user requirements.

The result was an effective dashboard with all the requested data views and visualisations. Data could still be collected within spreadsheet fields but with the added benefit of security, governance and one true source of historic reports.

Have you recently struggled getting to grips with business data? What has your experience been with gaining more insight? We would love to hear from you. Please leave us a comment or question

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